Sammi Poole, a contestant in Miss New Zealand, recently hosted a fundraising event that not only showcased her dedication to Mental Health but also raised $1000 for Voices of Hope. VoH, close to Sammi's heart, played a pivotal role in her own mental health journey.
"I've been through tough times with mental health and anxiety," Sammi shared. "Voices of Hope was there for me when I needed support. Their stories made me realise I wasn't alone, and that's something I want to pay forward."
"Opening up about my struggles wasn't easy," Sammi admitted. "But seeing others share their stories on Voices of Hope's social media made me feel less alone. I wanted to do my part in helping them continue their important work."
Through Sammi's efforts, $1000 was raised for Voices of Hope. Thanks again to everyone who donated and supported Sammi! We are so thankful for the support!