A Moment With - Louis

How do you take care of your mental health?

I’m in therapy, investing in my personal wellness is something that lifts the Mauri of my whole whānau. When my whānau is allgood, I’m good. It’s a beautiful cycle ;) I also dive for kai Moana which I believe connects my soul to my Māoritanga. 

Why do you think it's important we talk about mental health?

You cannot go where you do not know. Your little cousins, friends, neighbours, they are less likely to take steps towards positive MH if they aren’t seeing it as kaupapa from people in their lives 

Favourite self care activity?

I ring my best mate after our kids go to bed and we clean our houses while on the phone to each other lol

Favourite quote, song lyric or mantra?

Kaua e Mate Wheke, Me Mate Ururoa

A message to someone struggling?

Mā whero mā pango ka oti te mahi  

If you could have 'a moment with' your younger self what would you say to them?

I would tell me to have strict boundaries with work, it’s just a job. And I’d tell me to buy Bitcoin lol.



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