A Moment With - Santarna

How do you take care of your mental health?

I see a therapist fortnightly, journal when I'm feeling overwhelmed, and I also talk to my close friends on days that I find hard.

Why do you think it's important we talk about mental health?

Because when you are struggling it feels like you're alone and no one can understand you but it helps to know that others are going through the same.

Favourite self care activity?

Hanging out with my 2 year old girl.

Favourite quote, song lyric or mantra?

You grow through what you go through.

A message to someone struggling?

Reach out and don't stop trying untill you find someone who actually understands and you feel comfortable with.

If you could have 'a moment with' your younger self what would you say to them?

It's hard but it will be okay, you will have the most beautiful little girl come into your life and give you an even bigger reason to fight


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