“I want to raise some funds to assist Gumboot Friday and Voices of Hope, two charities dear to my heart. Both of these charities raise the profile of youth suicide and give us strategies for how we can help and talk to our children.
I also want to raise the awareness of depression and suicide in middle aged males. I will share my personal story as we go through the challenge and what I have done to help me overcome depression and anxiety.
As a father of 3 teenagers (one is 12, so nearly 3....) I have seen the impact of the last 18 months on them and the young people around them. I want to show my children that one person can help. That I can change our local society one step at a time. I can't leave it to our Government. They are big on words and average on action. I want to take action.
My 3 children have all gone through Glendowie Primary. My youngest is in Y8. When she leaves it will end a 13 year association with Glendowie Primary. My eldest is at Glendowie College and my second at Selwyn.
My goal is to run a 3km route every day for 100 days in row. Every 10th day I will do a multiplier day. So on day 20 I will run 6km then back to 3km on day 21. On day 30, 9km and so on.
I will start my first run at 7:10am on the 13th August. Starting on this date as it means that the 100th day is Saturday 20th November. On the 20th November the run will be for 30km
My route will start at the top of Roberta Rd in Glendowie and I will run along West Tamaki Rd. I would love anyone in the local community to come and join me at 7:10am each day for a run.
Who will join me? Especially for the multiple days.....”