Imposter Syndrome

If you’re like me, you may have experienced what is known as imposter syndrome. This isn’t an official condition, however, it’s a term you may be familiar with. Imposter syndrome is when you achieve something, such as winning an award or maybe successfully accomplishing a goal or something else, but feel like you don’t deserve it. You may feel like you’re an imposter, and that at any moment, someone may figure this out, that you’re going to fail, that you’re not capable, or something else negatively associated with something that you have achieved. 

I get it! You look around yourself, you look at your friends, family, colleagues, co-workers, peers, etc and think, “Gosh, they seem like they have everything together and know what they’re doing, yet I somehow got/achieved ____?? How did that happen?” As well as this, you may also feel that you’re going to fail in this role or with this title, or that someone might ‘find out the truth’. 

Let me tell you, statistically speaking, around 70% of professionals experience imposter syndrome. 70% of people who are regarded as a professional in their respective fields experience imposter syndrome. Think of the people you think of as successful and/or a professional, they may very well experience this, too. It shows that no matter what you’re doing and how successful you are and it can still impact you. 

A lot of the time, imposter syndrome comes from how you view yourself. Please know that you would not have gotten here, now, by chance. You got here because you worked for it, you are talented, you are smart, you deserve this, you have earned this. You did that. You got here. Not by luck, not by chance, but because you made it happen. 

I don’t have a surefire way of beating imposter syndrome, however, as I’ve said in other posts, the best way to help yourself is by being kind to yourself. Treat yourself as you would a friend. If a loved one is feeling what you are, what would you say to them? Would you tell them that they do deserve to be where they are? That they are talented or capable of this role? Think about it, and then show yourself that same compassion. 

Be proud of yourself. Whatever is causing your imposter syndrome, whether that’s an award, a new role, a new job, a new opportunity, etc, be proud that you have achieved this. Take a moment to appreciate that all your hard work has led you to where you are now. You are amazing!


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