Truths in a World Full of Chaos

*Thank you to Amelia Pink for allowing us to share this piece. You can see more of her writing here.*

Each morning I wake up and write down my truths: I am loved, I am enough, I am brave, I am sunlight, I am capable enough to push through anything the day swings at me. This is an essential part of my day, as it’s so important to prioritise taking care of our hearts. 

With social media doing its best to push us into a corner, having us believe comparing ourselves to one another is normal, leaving us feeling unloved at times and not enough. It’s so important that we take control and create our own narrative each morning filled with truths before we enter into a world of chaos. 

Let this be your reminder, you are loved, you are enough, you are brave, you are strong enough to push through anything the day swings at you and you are sunlight, these are your truths. 

-Amelia Pink 

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