To my younger self and anyone else unsure of themself in this moment right now and may relate,
You are a work in progress. An imperfect perfection.
Through every tear shed, every counselling appointment, you’re here. I’ve been there, struggled with depression, anxiety, and questioning my own worth, which led to me eventually being enrolled in Health School which, while being on a road to recovery helped, made me feel isolated. Trust me, this journey is not going to be easy. It’s a battle you’ll feel like you’re, at times, constantly losing again and again. Unsure, sick to your stomach, overthinking, ‘What will they think of me?’, countless days in bed, picking the flight instead of putting up the fight in those most uncomfortable moments, feeling like you’ve lost yourself, that spark, that thing that makes you you, questioning why you’re even here at all.
This is where I learned the vital importance of connection and relationships with those around me. I had been so fixated on being so alone I didn’t realise the amount of people I actually had around me. Turn to those who have loved, cared for, and moulded you into the person you are today, for the guidance and care in your own time, but know that they are there, waiting for you when you are ready. You are not alone through this. Some people will tell you you’re broken and try to fix you, don’t let them. Turn to those who are truly there to listen and want to see you for what you are at heart, not just the outside.
Learning to advocate for myself was one of, if not the hardest but most essential learning points for my journey. At times you’ll wear a mask, smiling through the pain and feel like you’re the only one experiencing this, that no one else could possibly understand, that you don’t want to be a burden to others, all this couldn’t be further from the truth. There were days where I felt I couldn’t speak up at all but bit by bit and as you see the light at the end of the tunnel, speaking up, whether it be telling someone how you’re feeling in this moment right now, seeing a professional, or connecting with others, advocacy will be monumental to your journey.
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned from my journey is that we ALL have mental health, we all have at one stage of life or another, been in the exact same position as you are, and we are here, just like you; continuing to fight for ourselves in the toughest moments and embrace every aspect life has to offer. Of course, some days are going to be better than others, but those harder days make you enjoy the better ones even more.
He aha te mea nui? He tangata. He tangata. He tangata. What is most important? It is people. It is people. It is people. YOU are one of those people. You are important. You are valued, and I am so proud of you.
You’ve got this, legend.
Aroha nui,